
Look at the demographicsss of the last election and at what our immigration policies have been since the 60s.

We're fucked.

Actually we are not fucked and the distribution of the Enemy will or at least should make it easier for Patriots to defeat them.

The Blue Counties are totally infested by liberal vermin and the largest concentration of these vermin are located in the largest Cities of these Blue Counties. I think it is very obliging of the Liberals to concentrate their numbers like that.

If I remember correctly during the First Gulf War, the Iraqis were also very obliging and concentrated a large percentage of their forces in trenches, I guess they forgot that it was not World War One, and they made very good targets for the Bombers when they dropped their loads over the concentrated Iraqis. Can anyone say By By Iraqis.

The way I see things, it is the same thing with the Liberals since they have been so nice and concentrated their numbers into the Cities and made it a lot easier for Patriots to Control, Contain, or even to Eliminate Them if we were to chose to do so.

I have stated before that one of the best ways to win this coming war is to Isolate the Cities that are the Liberal Strongholds, by Controlling or Cutting off the supply of Food, Energy and even Water. If we were to be successful at this or even to be able to Control one of these essential things, the People of the Cities would have to either Surrender to us or face the extremely unpleasant alternatives, including: Starving, Freezing or Baking to death, and I have a feeling that they will Surrender.


The situation isn't going to right itself. It could have only been done through warfare and bloodshed. Now, it's worse because we're even outnumbered.

They know they've taken your nation from you but none of you seem to have caught on. Part of the reason they have been so effective.

Victory isn't even really an option anymore.

All that is left is payback and that is a window that will close soon as well.
You are wrong about this, we are not outnumbered, at least where it really counts.

As far as the general population is concerned we are outnumbered, but just because Wolves are outnumbered by Sheep does not mean the Sheep will win.

People have to understand that Wolves have Teeth that they can use to Tear Sheep apart and Sheep don't even have the will to defend themselves, so even though they greatly outnumber the Wolves it is the Sheep who end up as food for the Wolves.

Such it is with Conservatives vs Liberals. Even though the Liberals added to the Retarded Conservatives who Voted for Obama out number Patriots, we still have the power to win this coming war, since we like the Wolves have the teeth that we can use to defeat and even to exterminate the Liberals if we were to chose to do so.

There are over Eighty Million that is 80,000,000 Gun Owners in the United States who own over 250,000,000 Firearms and most of these Gun Owners are Patriots and other Conservatives.

What too many members of this board and other Patriots fail to understand is that in a War it is not the number of Toothless Sheep that is important, it is the Number of Wolves with very sharp teeth that is important.

1,000 Sheep vs 100 Wolves, Ten to One against the Wolves, the Sheep Lose and the Wolves win and eat very well.

We greatly out number the Liberals as to number of Firearms and amount of Ammo owned, and in a War between Liberals and Patriots, it will be the Gun owning Patriots who will be doing the Victory Dance.

The only two potential issues are how many Freedom Fighters will there be and will these Freedom Fighters be intelligent enough to know how to win the War.

You can't win the game if no one on your team shows up to play.

I believe that there will be between Five Million to over Twenty Million who will Fight and that will be enough to WIN.

And here is one more thing about our being outnumbered.

63,714,092 people voted for Obama.

59,782,295 people voted for Romney.

The is a total of 123,496,387 people who voted out of a total Adult Population of 235,572,845.

There are 112,076,458 who didn't vote and until we know how these people would have voted we will not know if we are actually outnumbered. It is not as easy as just looking at the election results or looking at the Map, since out of 235,572,845 Potential voters only 63,714,092 voted for Obama and that is a lot less then the Majority. We don't yet have enough data to come to any definite conclusion on this issue.

What we don't know about these people who didn't vote is how many are like I am and didn't vote because they have given up on the system and how many didn't vote because they don't care enough about our Nation to take the time to vote and who they would have voted for.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)