Its a bit like living in the Matrix CSC, the people in the system don't realize they are part of the system of control. Its always going to be like that...

Its just not some one picking up a gun and fighting. The media will destory these people defame them and disgrace them to the point of labelling terrorists, child molesters and anything else to make people hate them. They did with Sensei Collins, he filed motions, complaints and so on... but he recorded the WVSP threatening him with that same stuff. He put those recording on youtube (I'll post the links if anyone is interested) and the way its going they are using snitches to attack him. At a certain point its going to get nasty for him and when it does he's got a case of violations of civil rights taken in bad faith to support criminal activity. Like he explained it to me, any the "good faith" clause means a LEO who violates your rights can claim an honest mistake and nothing can be done. But, prove the actions are taken in bad faith and the police lose that cloak of authority.

The wars already here but they control the media, so you have to take a few hits and catch them taking actions in bad faith/malicious intent to make them responsible. So he's done that, to what end I don't know... He's got a plan & I've seen them scared to talk to him. I think if he did cross that line its going to start a war out here.

All in all, I agree no one wants to go first course leader lead the way. The FBI gets people who tell you to act, a real "mastermind" will act.