100% out of the system...

Not only are we past the tipping point...We have only an option of refusing to comply or participate in the system... If forced we refuse with force..

Unless people do that they are trapped, whether they believe it or not..

They have to supply their own food, their own living, their own electricity and water..

Clothes and any other items must come from yourself or another patriot..

If someone needs the government for one item or reason...they will find a way to control those who do....

And of course all of us know this,

but I think most people don't..

Not only do we the people,and militia's need to do the above...

I personally believe we need to treat the Feds,Leo's and any other government officials or sheepie's who believe in this system as outsiders...

Like the Amish treat the English (as they call the rest of us)...

We don't deal with then,talk to them, buy from them, or sell to them..

We refuse to pay taxes to them...Or get services from them..

Those in States that have property taxes are in trouble, you have to pay that..

So move to a state without it..Or remove it in your state...

And let's not forget we must police our own, Screw the Feds..If a patriot is turning on us we must deal with it..

All this seems like a hard things to do doesn't it, and I really don't know how many of the citizens or even the patriots have the balls to live like that..

but otherwise IMHO your screwed...


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf