The TSA is another of those Corporations that have been created so the people in the Corporation can be kept from jail and having their personal property taken under adjudication for their errors and omissions. They like the Federal Reserve, Social Security Administration, Veterans Administrations, and many more more or less can tell both us and the halls of Congress to go jump.
However as the Federal Reserve is finding out they get paid by that same congress.
Before the TSA it was the responsibility of the Airlines in Conjunction with local LEO to provide for the safety of the flying public.
Then We the People demanded more.
Since Federal Troops can not lawfully be placed in the position of the task they formed the TSA.
However the grunts and supervisors of the TSA are each still just paid employees and are sworn by oath to defend our rights. Violations take them outside of their oaths and make the chargeable when we get the stones.
Oh! And find a Bar-Fly agent of the Queen Lawyer willing to represent us in violation of her orders.