It is funny, and a pretty clever stunt on Alex Jones' part. But I really, really hope it's not serious. Are we going to deport every legal resident who dares to say what's on his mind? I hope not.

Suppose a British citizen remarked that the Drug War is a failure, and marijuana should be legalized. Should we deport him? Suppose it were 1928, and Piers Morgan said that Prohibition should end - despite what the Eighteenth Amendment said. Should we deport him for advocating a change to the Constitution? Yet that is exactly what we are doing by petitioning the government to deport Mr. Morgan for advocating a change to the Second Amendment. Do we really want to punch any more holes into the First?

I get a kick out of all the Europeans who tell us we should be more like them. Um, no. Our ancestors left Europe a few hundred years ago for a reason. I think we should pull our military bases out of the UK and let Mr. Morgan say whatever the heck he wants. Then the British really won't want him back.

Onward and upward,