About the raid...

They can raid any place I got..I made sure to set it up, so they can't just drive up in the back of "Horse trailers"...

They have to get through a gate, and cross a large field under camera and security measures...

The gates are always locked and I can remote open them...They don't call on the intercom...I wont open...They crash the gate I get warned...cutting through fencing and sneaking in...security measures will let me know they are coming...

It has taken years to set up my retreats this way...If your not secure for most common situations, you may not have time too do like me..

So plan a warning system, the best you can do on short notice, and an escape route to any safe house...

By the time the get here, God willing, I will be gone,and surrounding most of the places I have retreats, is difficult.. but that took years of planning ahead also.. I am not bragging,just letting you know,if your not very secure you better get there and fast...

They won't find my Caches, not one of them...

know we've all said this a hundred times...

If your sitting on your stock of weapons,and they come for them...It is your own fault, if you lose them...

No one should have more then a couple weapons, and plenty of bullets in each place you plan to go to, or are in..

The rest should be cached at safe locations..

Back to the revolution...

It is high time that all of us understand; that we have to think like we're in a revolution...

Some of us think like this is a police action...

It is not..

It is a war for independence..

Most of you will not be going to your job during the day. You'll be Underground living outside the system..

Trying to stay under the radar, as long as possible...

But to work, you'll need to travel, and that puts you in the system..

That puts you under the eyes of the folks (like in Nazi Germany),who turned in the co-workers or neighbors for suspicious activities..

Almost everybody who stays in the system and is a patriot will disappear, unless you have been trained to be a covert-operative.

It will be very hard to make it in today's society..It was hard in 1939 Germany..How many German resistance operatives died trying to over throw the Nazis...

Now imagine the Nazis with all the surveillance available in today's world..

That's how hard it will be to stay on the DL as they say,and work as a covert operative...

Have you trained for this?

or are you just stocking food and weapons?

Have you tried to come up with great escape plans?..

Have you got a hidden list of places,that will become assets that need to be destroyed?

..Remember assets that don't turn the rest of the people against us..just tyrant targets..

Have you practiced and planned how you'll move through a society that has road blocks, and stop and searches?

..Papers please society.

Have you planned how to get by when you can be pulled for any reason to "talk"?...

Or are you going to hole in your house, and be burned out and watch as they kill your children by flames or bullets?

..All the while, They will be telling the sheep, you were a terrorist..The MSM vilifying you, and saying how you took your kids with you...

There is a hundred questions and things that need to be planned right now!!!!

You got a little while better be stocked up, and now planning your battle plans...


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf