Now that Kessler was proven to have been a bad guy all along....

I smelled it, just could not quite pin it down. Too many legally registered full autos, not enough real deal. Just another privelaged asshole waving his shit around with a stay out of jail free card in his back pocket. Notice this was about the time the nails were in the coffin of our patriots protect patriots website operation and Edogz (out of Pennsylvania) had just finished wreaking havoc around here.

Ever notice how none of these guys volunteer to go undercover as like, prison guards or cops to ferret out human rights abuses? No, that shit is only for Steven Segal movies (while the ponytailed one was in New Orleans NOT opposing gun confiscation and NOT throwing a beatdown on anyone who did), but yours truly was chained to the wall at the local BATF building rather than being deployed there with the National Guard, you know, "for the safety of the public".

The "public" at the Danziger bridge was not so safe, were they?

Fucking pigs. I get tired of these lying assholes getting up on stage and being the big stars of the freedom movement while pulling stunts like Kessler did.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.