I should probably start out by saying that I've dealt with members of the Aryan Brotherhood before. In fact, several years ago a particular vile creature named James Fitzgerald supposedly put out a contract on me with his Aryan brotherhood buddies. Nothing ever came of it, and Mr. Fitzgerald is still sitting on Death Row, where he'll likely die of old age before they get around to juicing him.

In any event, I agree. This doesn't sound like the Aryan Brotherhood to me. My first thought was that, after a lot of talk, the Mexican drug war has finally crossed the border.

I can't see the AB in cahoots with a Mexican drug cartel, or anyone else for that matter. They started out as a prison gang, as far as I know they still do all of their recruiting in prisons, and they just don't play well with others. But things always change, so I reckon we'll see.

Onward and upward,