Anyone keeping the majority of their wealth in the system at this point is making it their own fault.

I have tried and tried to get so many people into some business deals locally and with hard asset type merchandise only to be rejected by the exact same people who cry and moan about how their "investments" are not doing so well. Then I get excuses "my other investments are doing so badly right now, I don't have anything to play with".

That's when I find out some good deals on ammo, hicap mags, solar panels, maybe some pre-Christmas deals on electronic gadgets from China that can sell locally.

I get tired of being so right and being told I am so full of shit by so many people that I really don't care quite all that much how hard the economy crashes. It's their own fault, but I just personally hope to have the alternative location set up before it all comes crashing down.

That's also why I don't give a flying fuck about anyone trying to "maintain growth" by jacking housing prices 15%-25% per year while telling the working poor "just work harder and get an education". Translation: put in more hours to tread water on rising housing costs and assume student loan debt.

Everything going on in California is their own damn greedy fault, fuck them.

If you enjoy gambling, then have fun in the stock market casino. I hear again and again from people I went to with business proposals "I don't want to take on any risk". Or "you have a record and that scares me", yet the exact same people hand millions over to brokerage firms who are known to have stolen billions, I mean, the exact same fucking people.

It amazes me, since I have tried to sell the solar panel deal to so many people who I know could just write the check, but I hear bullshit like "I feel like it is risky because you still associate with those militia people", and who are they associating with? The same government that we all now know is stealing and quite often cannibalizes its own.

Even with those who are highly critical of the Idaho Citadel project decry that guy's extortion record, but how many of those exact same people are dumping money regularly into the corrupt financial system? I mean regularly.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.