
Quite honestly I agree with you on certain issues. But not on all of them. My point in saying it was our country is that I'm not against them being here so we (me and you) have different ideas within a shared space. Now on two cultures being unable to exist side by side, I some what agree. We already have conservative vs liberal and communist vs capitalist. The Mexicans are conservative capitalists so we share a.common ideology if not a language. I speak really bad Spanish so I don't have a language issue. Here in America we are going to learn first hand what it means not to be a superpower. Get used to other languages.

Fact is we won't have an issue with illegal immigration when the economy implodes. Speaking Spanish with a large continent of Spanish speaker attached to used to the idea. How many Europeans speak 3 or 4 languages because they are sharing borders with other nations? We have Canada, English and French speaking and Mexico which is Spanish speaking. So learning a second or third language might be tactically smart.