I just don't understand the country where I live.

We used to believe in the positive influence of a nuclear family with one mom and one dad. Thousands of years of marriage within many societies seems to focus on the mom and dad nuclear family.

A number of studies from the 50's, 60's and 70's demonstrated that a family with one mom and one dad in the same household led to more success economically and less criminal activity by the children.
During the 90's, the media started talking about how a family with a single family was equivalent to a nuclear family of one mom and one dad. They liked to point out that 70% of marriages ended in divorce, which was relatively new beginning with the late 60's and early 70's. Soon homosexual mate families were not only equivalent but now seem to be advocated in the media, while normal heterosexual families seemed more abnormal with the divorce rate.

Now our society seems to believe that a family of one mom and one dad is neither a priority nor of value. Smoke pot and lose your children. The last three guys occupying the WH probably would lose their kids under similar application of "law."

I don't like this progress that the left keeps pushing. I dislike it even more when it comes from the right, which should recognize tyranny better.

"Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always Bad Men." Lord Actin 1887

I fear we live in evil times...