That's what I thought at first, and I think I still mostly do, but that "anti-government" extremist angle the media is still promoting simply isn't true. He apparently attended a Tea party rally. That hardly makes him "anti-government."

He does appear to have been a doper, though. As everyone here knows by now, I think drugs should be re-legalized. Dopers should not be thrown in jail just because they're dopers. But that doesn't mean I have to like dopers. The truth is, I'd rather not have anything to do with them.

You sort of have to read between the lines of the news stories to find what's troubling me.

First, the arrest at the hotel in Slidell, Louisiana. Most usually, hotels don't like to involve the police. If they find someone in their hotel is doing drugs, they evict them (and usually charge them an exorbitant "cleaning fee" for cleaning up their room). In this case, police had to be called, and the behavior of the Hakkens seems to have been, well, bizarre. They were talking about Armageddon, and taking "the ultimate journey."

Secondly, the grandmother seems to have some evidence of unusual behavior, as well. What that means, no one is talking about.

Whatever the facts turn out to be, this case is troubling. I'm trying to find more information on this, so stay tuned.

Onward and upward,