There are people in the system who truly are nuts. I've seen them, I've dealt with them, I've even been shot at by one of them. What I don't know is, what exactly should we do with them? Some people really should be in some sort of institution, for their own safety and the safety of others. But I think it should take more than the word of one doctor, and the order of one judge, to institutionalize someone indefinitely. I've been struggling with this for years, and I'm no closer to a solution now than I was when I started. I'm open to ideas.

As far as Mr. Hakken goes, I obviously don't know if he's really insane or not. But the couple's behavior in the hotel in Slidell, which started this whole thing, were scary enough that, if I were one of the cops responding to the call, I would have taken the same action. And a couple who are "anti-government" (or "anti-big-government," or whatever) fleeing to Cuba?

He may or may not be insane, but he sure seems to be a little bit off.

Onward and upward,