Gentlemen..You can see the slow spin that the MSM and the Feds are doing to turn this from a foreign attack, to a Domestic right wing attack..

If it does not fit that narrative, they are letting it go..

Never let a crisis go to waste...Is their theme, and what they are up to it exactly that..

They will attempt (unless the bloggers keep the info out there) to vilify us, and every group that supports freedom and the Constitution...

CSC, It could be OWS too, or some environmentalist org. that doesn't like the raping of the land, for oil or the silicon valley big business.

We are at war....We just don't realize it yet...They are at war with us and they are fighting it in the media...


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf