Originally posted by ConSigCor:
Questions remain:

Why were they holding a anti terrorist drill during the event?

Why was Craft all over the place during the event?

What is the connection with the sudden meeting between Obumer and the Saudi foreign minister? and the Saudi national "suspect" who was suddenly given "immunity" and shipped out of country?
I'd kind of like to know just why they're "expediting the deportation" of that Saudi kid, too. That sure seems coincidental, doesn't it? And I don't believe in coincidences.

But terrorism and disaster drills, by themselves, are nothing new. When I was a kid, I can remember taking cover under my school desk during a nuke drill. It doesn't mean my schoolteacher was planning a nuclear war.

Don't tell anyone this, but periodically someone walks around the sports and entertainment venues here in Tulsa with, among other things, a radiation meter. It doesn't mean that anyone really expects a terror attack here in Tulsa, but what the heck. That radiation meter is already paid for, anyway.

Onward and upward,