1- Gunpowder and ball bearings (w/nails) sounds like an improvised Claymore to me. Or multi directional mine.

2- I think Anonymous tho an independant group is with us in our basic beliefs and I don't see that they had anything to do w/the 2 bombs. That's not their style. They use the network and teamwork.

3- Breecher said something about Sheriff Joe Arpaio taking the helm of DHS. Joe A runs a taut ship and is generally a real Hard Ass. But putting him in charge of DHS would make me a big bit uncomfortable unless he made sweeping changes in the first 2 weeks of taking over. Like NO MORE Rolling Checkpoints. DHS needs to STOP FUCKING W/Americans and go after anyone not speaking Americanized English. If that sounds like I don't like Hispanics or Mexekins well then so be it. You wanna live here? Speak American or get The Fuck OUT.

4- Obama will continue to do nothing about muslims because He IS A mUSLIM TOO. He used to be Barry Sotero and BEFORE THAT he was someone ELSE.
No one will ever change my mind about that.
I'll tell ya sumpin else. He AIN'T black. He's half black.
I knew and worked with a kid back in the 1980s who's mom was white and his dad was black. Andre referred to himself as a Zebra.

So let's see...Obama is on his third name. He has 2 SS numbers but is just using one of them.
He IS A mUSLIM and a Socialist. He NEVER had a real job until he became POTUS. And HE WASN'T BORN IN HAWAII. He IS an Oreo.

Grass fed Beef..it's what's fer supper July 4th.