Originally posted by Breacher:

We are also not hearing about whatever "arsenal" the brothers had, which is interesting. You would think the that someone would be parading the guns around on television with a lineup of wounded officers asking for more gun control.

Getting me to wonder how many of the police injuries were friendly fire.
I'm also confused about the arsenal, simply because they allegedly killed the MIT cop in order to take his gun. That is a high risk op for someone who is allegedly armed to the hilt.

The Saudi/Obama link smells really bad, and we all learned from OKC and the Clinton years that if both POTUS and the FBI are involved, then lies, coverups and murders will abound.

Now Bill Clinton's PATCON wonder boy Eric Holder runs DOJ. Amazingly unbelievable!

The Tsarnaev boys and the Saudi appear to have been witnessing the event, which would explain the lack of disguises, and something went wrong with the pre-ordained, official story of the perp being a white, male, gun-owning, homegrown anti-tax protester, the brothers' photos made the news, and someone had to take the fall.

I believe that, at the very least, fed.gov was warned of the attacks, which would explain the EOD drills and contractors, but this one smells badly of an OKC type FF, primarily because the FBI is involved, again and again and again and again...

It appears that either the Saudi kid will skate, or his rich daddy will send a stand-in to serve his time in prison.

What a mess, and yet:

Mission Accomplished!

The terrified sheople are clamoring for martial law.

I would gladly lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my battle rifle, and thank God that He has put it within my grasp.

Audit Fort Knox!