This is the real story folks...

Yes The government has been reading all of our emails and listening to our calls...

Yes that is tyranny and criminal..

Yes they should be arrested tried and sentenced...

But the REAL story is Syria and the fact that the media, and everyone else is being distracted by a story ( wiretapping by the NSA) that has been out there since 2006 at least...

Many stories on this, from many sources, over many years..

But Syria, and all the rest of the middle east is the beginning of WWIII...

We know that they have been war drumming Syria for months now..

We know the the Rebels, (who our government supports) were the ones who used gas against citizens..

We know after that came out our government went silent for a while, and then came up with now new evidence of "Assad's gas treachery"...

But the truth is we are funding and perpetrating this war...

The truth is Russia and China (by proxy, I'll explain in a minute.) are on Assad's side...

The truth is Obama feels the time is right to consolidate his power over the world...Not just us...( we are already doomed if we as a people are not in the streets to remove this tyrant)...

We know the goal is Iran, and Iran has a joint protection agreement with Syria...

We know they have been building troops to honor that agreement..

We also know Russia and China are backing Iran, so by Proxy backing Assad..

We know Obama believes in the destruction of the US, but wishes to gain power in the world..

The trick is how will he do it..

By dragging us into a war against all the world ( I still haven't figured out how he can pull this off) Any ideas?..

Or just destroying us from the inside while bankrupting us in world conflict..(This one he is already doing, but is it his end game)..

How will this play out?..

Will we be pulled into a world wide conflict, or just doomed by financial bankruptcy?..

Or is there another more dastardly plan?

Guys always say, "they are just fools, and have no plan"...That is untrue, these guys have been thinking in decades, while we plan day to day..

They are masters of the world control chess game..

We should have been looking at every news story in future goals instead of what it meant that day...

They are almost at check mate, this is not "Wargames" the movie.. To not play is no longer the right move for us, and they no longer fear Nuclear destruction..

because they ALL have the same goal...ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT...

The only move we have is the one they think could no longer happen in this country..Revolt, masses of people in the streets....

They are pretty wise to think that folks will not stand up..

Look how easy they stopped the Tea Party movement and the Occupy movement..

They have the folks so in their control financially, mentally and in some cases physically.

They do not fear the people, because they can starve you out in a NY minute..

They can financially crush you with the click of a key board..

They can mentally destroy you by government oppression (IRS, FBI, HHS, TSA, EPA, CPS, and even your local PD...

They can physically, secretly, kill you with a Drone, or a needle to the neck, car crash, suicide, or GITMO...

I have more but...

I have to stopped there for now...I have to meet with some folks, so I will get back to this later...

Till then ....

Your thoughts?..


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf