AirForce, all you have to do is look how both sides of the aisle rallied against Snowden...

They are in complete sinc, when it comes to someone endangering their power. This includes the media from Fox to MSNBC who are spouting the Traitor line...

I know,we want to believe there is no grand conspiracy, and maybe it is for some of the culprits not intentional conspiracy..

But they are working together and it shows..

I believe Obama is a puppet, just as Bush was.. But one who believes, and is lead to believe, he is in charge...

I think sometime they wish he shut up.

He is kind of like the Casino front man of the Mob days..

As are most of the other politicians, the real control is the money backers and the shadow government, the people who run and set the agendas of the NSA and most of the other groups...

Is it one guy?...

No I doubt it, it is more than likely a group..Maybe one guy leads the group, but not in the way we think.

I don't believe Russia and China are good guys in this, I just believe, for them it's a chance to bloody our nose and remain clean..

But Putin and Obama serve the same master...that master is power.


I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf