Good luck with that. You can get away with quite a bit, but when you start fricken with the chow. People are gonna freak!
That all depends upon who the people are!

The millions on the Obama phones, receiving the free food will be for it. Those will be the ones the media are asking, not you and I.

This hoarding law has actually been on the books since the mid 1940's. Obama has just applied it and his EO to enhance the readiness acts passed by congress in December 2012.

The only way they can get a foot hold on Martial Law is with 20 to 30 percent of the people asking for it in the streets. They have a chance to go as soon as August.

The people who receive food stamps do so from the Dept of Agriculture. The new Senate and house plans call for reducing the funding to the Dept of Agriculture.

They can't reduce the FDA inspections since that is a funding source. So where better to reduce by sequestration than the food stamps that millions use to eat on. When the debit cards stop working in the ATMs and Wally World they will be in the street.

When a governor declares a state of Emergency we will again see foreign troops in the streets of our towns and cities.