"Classified" is not a security classification under any nations security or legal system. It is a notice to look further and determin if you are supposed to be looking at, reading, hearing or even holding the document or object in question.
Back on:December 29, 2009 Obama issued Executive Order 13526- that gave his cjiefs the ability to classify anything they saw fit to restrict for any reason they wanted.

The same is true in many nations. The very fact we are talking about this could be a violation of the Federal Secrets act if Obama didn't like it.

This is why any of us who has a laptop, or any other type of digital storage device could find ourself in the same fix.

This is what they make encryption for, but it is a violation of FCC laws to send and receive Encrypted communications without a letter from the Government.

What do we expect? We are after all "ENemy Combatants" according to the Trading with the enemy act of 1916 as ammended by the NDAA 2009.

So in for a penny in for a pound. mad