The point I'm trying to make is that the federal government is growing the welfare class (DMC voter registration drive paid for by federal debt) by allowing the unemployed class to grow... Perpetually extending benefits and doing nothing to help jobs return to our country, muchless keep them here.

Why would they? The longer people suffer, the more they become victims that the dems so love to protect. Even solid conservatives if stuck in poverty for long enough... The schools and media will poison their will to work and strive... Soon they or most certainly their kids will be Kool- aid slurping zombies in a generations time.

The work my family is looking for by the way is not the ranch hand you speak of... I know what you mean. We are talking about the sporadic 3-4 hours labor to move irrigation pipe, drive a grain wagon, fix fence... My dad used to have 4 boys on the farm, now just 1. Some jobs require 3 hands. My dad is now elderly and SHOULD not be doing 90% of what he does. My nephew is only 10, and he to should not be doing 90% of what he does. My dad will ask people he knows need money to help, offer decent money.

He can't outbid their sugar daddy that is paying them to NOT work.

We are running out of time, the next generation... (My kids) they are screwed.

"Government at its best is a necessary evil, and at it�s worst, an intolerable one."
 Thomas Paine (from "Common Sense" 1776)