Protesters take over Albuquerque city council meeting, try to arrest Albuquerque police chief.

Protesters took over Monday’s Albuquerque City Council meeting.

Chants led city councilors to call a recess at about 6:15 p.m.

Those involved wanted a recall election for Mayor Richard Berry. They also said Albuquerque Police Chief Gorden Eden should be fired.

One of the chants was: "This is no longer your meeting!"

At about 6:30 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

"There has not been democracy in this city," said a resident at the meeting.

A "People's Assembly of Albuquerque" passed three resolutions while in the chambers. One was no confidence votes against Berry, Rob Perry and for an immediate resignation of Eden. Another was to have lapel cameras worn by Albuquerque police officers at all times when encountering civilians. Another was the implementation of an independent civilian oversight committee with the powers to discipline, hire and fire any officers....
Onward and upward,