agree with TR and 308Kitten. Attack what they hold most dear. MOST DEAR. What is most dear to a man... what is most dear to a family man ??

that is what you attack. in a war the first casualty is innocence. And what that means is nothing or no one is innocent. they are either for a cause or against it.

So I will again watch this scenario play out with again the exact same insane results that have always happened.

When MR BLM has to worry about what is happening to his family then he wont be so unconstitutional now will he??

If you don't intend to fight to win .. then don't fight.
Colt is right protesting is useless all of this pathetic cowardly bullShip is a complete waste of time. Cause and effect ?? Try Complexity and Spontaneity. Mixed in with some randomness and HVT selection.

But you can want in one hand and Shi* in the other and see which one fills up first.

I cant put this any plainer than what I have just posted.

Shit or get off the pot.

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