
The protesters could have used Tire Iron's SUL position instead of aiming at the JBT's.
see: http://tireironscorner.blogspot.com/2010/03/sul-position.html

On the day of the event I was watching closely. All the live feeds till they were jammed,, and listening to the Nevada Highway Patrol dispatch (open channel).
A report came across the channel that there was "confirmed intel" of 200 scoped rifles plus the long guns in the crowd.
All of the weapons down in the wash were holstered or slung,, and most of the folks there were unarmed.

Not sure SUL would apply here.

But the guys there should know,, I would hope that they know and understand that they are hunted men at this point.

Like Dirty Harry said,, This ain't over.

Friend of the Militia (UnArmed/Infringed)
I hope I can help, my country and my countrymen.