Lets give this a different look see!

Whether this couple were MK Ultra mind zombies, paid informers, or just very angry patriots with no outlet makes no difference. They are however a view of things to come.

We will find as more and more Sheeple move out of the herd and into the wood line they will be doing so with violence and anger they can't handle. They will begin to awake to the total wrongness of what their country has become. They will read the massive pages of What I refer to as Fear Porn. They will become angrier, and angrier, till they, like the Millers, explode. It happened in 1773, and will happen next week. Again!

In my weekend in the store I speak with people old and young and in between. The speak with barely controlled anger of this or that transgression of the Governments, both local and Federal. Many spout the mindless reports of the thousands of Foreign troops in UN white vehicles traversing our roads in every state.

These rants are a condition between awareness and discernment. Where they have built up the adrenalin and can't find the time or resources to dispel the BS. These people have patriotic hearts, but murderous intent. They look for a Militia unit, but find only FACE BOOK and FEAR PORN because the militias are playing spy vs spy to keep their identity covered.

What is needed is for a few old farts who are not in the Militia due to physical or other reasons to become fronts for the militia. People who can sit with these newly awakened sheeple and get their feet on the correct road before they do something rash.

It is my belief that as these newly awakened begin training and learning they do have some power they will calm own, and turn that anger into determination. When they are properly vetted they can be integrated into the regular militia. Is there danger of their being spies and agents? yes! However they will be training with other non unit people and will not infect the units if properly vetted. Those who don't pass muster will give up and go away after a while.

These pre-militia groups can train, do disaster work, and provide neighborhood protection tasks. If the people placed in charge feel the person is a danger they can route them to other groups, but will know they tried.

The alternative is to wait till they explode and try to minimize the danger to the units, and the people we are tasked to defend by calling them names.