Something I'm not hearing much about is that the militia groups are "coordinating" with the Border Patrol. What does this mean? Well, it means the militias are conducting their operations wherever the Border Patrol tells them to.

I'm not an especially imaginative person (I'm a retired corrections officer, after all), but three possible scenarios come to mind:

1. The Border Patrol is very appreciative of all this help, and uses the militia groups to fill the gaps in their own coverage.

2. The Border Patrol is less than enthused about all this help, and puts the militia groups in out-of-the-way places where they're not likely to get into any trouble.

3. The government figures this is a good way to discredit the militia. They put them someplace where there is a high likelihood of something happening. Afterwards, the government will spin the incident in such a way to make the militia groups look bad.

I put the odds of #1 at roughly zero. If I were a gambling man (I'm not) I would put my money on #2. I wouldn't bet the farm on it though, because I consider option #3 to be a very real possibility. I certainly wouldn't put it past the government to try it.

Onward and upward,