I see enough bad on both sides that I don't see justification in putting our people at risk taking sides in that conflict.
Breacher, that's pretty close to how the Missouri Militia sees the events in Ferguson. Plus some of the Intel indicated that the New Black Panther Party had boots on the ground, stirring the turmoil.

The video release does pretty well debunk, that contrary to the parents early claims he was a 'Gentle Giant' he was indeed prone to violence. So when the officer fired (repeatedly) did the teen have his hands up or clenched in a fist to attempt some 'smash'? I know from my Missouri CCW training, once a person shoots, that either the threat is stopped (they go to the ground) or you are to keep shooting till the bad guy does quit being a threat. Of course standing over someone, delivering a final shot can't be considered defensive, IMO.

While initial LE response was inappropriate, one good thing to come of this was the liberal side seeing just what a militarized LE can look like. I'll be surprised if the Justice (?) Dept. doesn't bring suit against the deputies that arrested then let go the journalists in McDonalds. Elections are to close for them not to do so.

On the west side of MO most departments have video/audio equipment on the officers and in the cars. I know this case would have been better served by them having that equipment. I worked for one of the 'early' companies in LE video/audio, so I know the technology was available, not sure why Ferguson did not have it.

The Ferguson police chief needs to defer any future 'press releases' to the county or state. He is not a good choice to address the press, plus he seems very close to a nervous breakdown...