They listened to J.J Thompson. And they have learned. Some are vets. I have footage of the entire event last night. I will get more but the agreement I reached was when asked to delay release until the news people had a chance to get from it what they wanted. That does not mean redact. that means professional courtesy. Their cameras their feed. No one was supporting Ferguson PD last night. the State police was another matter. they were moving freely among the crowd and were getting many hugs.

Last nights protest seemed to be about protesting the curfew nothing more. the crowd dispersed after the fifth volley of gas. some stayed around for the sixth. and a couple could be seen taking the used burned out canisters'. souvenirs? I got gassed and all I got was this empty can !

a separate crowd off to the left of the main crowd also got the gas and the sonic disruptor. they were behind the mac-Donald's. they left two. it seems only seven arrests were made. No furry animals were hurt last night which is good we do not want ALF in Ferguson.

yes the guarding of stores was put out by the NOI and BPP. they want no Black on Black or Black on White even. This is their one chance for Legitimacy and they don't want to screw it up. They do not like BHO anymore than we do.

If we remember back in the day the original BPP set up soup Kitchens, Health clinics, and book services . Only to be Shut down by the Fuckstick cross dressing bitch Hoover and His COINTEL program.

I don't care who you are if you are doing things that improve the lives of Americans as long as you do those things you are doing good. No one I mean no one should shut you down for feeding someone or healing them.

Another thing I am tired of seeing and I am seeing a lot of it is people ducking in holes and hiding. If you cant stand the first degree heat how in the hell do you expect to stand the Third Degree heat?

Sorry for the side bar now BTT.

I am listening to the scanner feed and putting a new drive in the Media PC so I can hard copy the Footage. If I can reach a good agreement. I might be able to tap the feeds on future events. This is good because we can get footage that we can analyze and determine for ourselves the real skinny.

Its 5:16 in Ferguson right now and they are switching radio watches. That's good info..

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