Watching uploads on YT, one of a reporter from Michigan getting attacked by a gang while trying to have a conversation with what appears to be one of the middling level militant intellectuals.

The gang is barely under any control, appear to be local and just want to go mess someone up. The reporter is a bit "street" and started chasing one of the thugs who sucker punched him from behind with some sort of barricade cone.

Looks to me like a whole bunch of people there want to do a full scale reenactment of Zulu Dawn.

There must have been some pretty long hard history locally, as the local Blacks and Cops appear to really want to get it on and it is not the outsiders instigating it, it is the outsiders holding it back. That appears to be the issue on both sides too. The outside police are mixed in with the locals now, appearing to want to supervise, but when I see the rifles leveled at people, it is the local cops doing it.

Same with the Blacks, not so much the local white sympathizers, but he local blacks. They want to game on and go straight Zulu, the political types from the outside want to organize and make political demands but how much they can hold the locals back is pretty questionable.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.