if indeed the officer suffered such an injury he was taken to the hospital. Which has perimeter and door security cameras he would be seen entering and exiting. I think the PD would release some proof of the altercation by way of photo of the damage. last night around 1150 pm to those non military types. A concerted disinformation program started on the internet to discredit the eyewitnesses. it was directed and scripted to include heavy words such as recanted and admitted lying.

When this happens it damages both sides of the story. As we have seen and noted before the police even the Commie Party and other instigators and provocateur's are there in force. Hell we have them on film and after this event is played out when they go home they will have to deal with home front elements who are not going to be happy with what they did.

evidence handling right now is atrocious. and its hard to look at anything that is being presented with any amount of credibility. more later. Right now I an going to go feed this Burger King Triple whopper with cheese to the neighbors cat. I spiked it with cat nip and skittles. Cant wait to see what happens when they let it in the house. Lessin of course they left a window open the so ill just drop the cat in.

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