Yes I fully agree, Someone out there wants this to go hot.

There are blacks who want to go Mau Mau on White People and actually want a Race War.

Stupid is as stupid does and stupid can be fatal to the stupid.

Don't blacks know what the word minority means.

Whites greatly outnumber Blacks plus most quality firearms are owned by Whites so if there is a War between Blacks and Whites it will be the Blacks who will lose.

Ferguson blacks and all other Blacks contemplating Murdering White People better read up on history and what happened in Tulsa in 1921 and also about the Rosewood Massacre in Florida in 1923.

If White People get pushed too far what Whites did to those Black Neighborhoods and Towns may just happen again.

When you kill Barn Rats you don't just kill the ones scampering around the floor, you find and eliminate their Nests and if too many White People get MURDERED by Blacks then White People may decide to take a more long term solution.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)