There's also word of a false flag option Op going on right about now which involves a faux assassination attempt on Obama to be used to blame on "White Supremists" thereby increasing racial divides and tentions and also justifying increased measures against "domestic terrorists"........

Steven D Kelley shared Occupy Corporatism's photo.
21 hrs ·

According to the anonymous source, there is a planned false flag attack that will involve a staged assassination attempt on Obama linked to a white supremacist that will incite a race war. Because of the violence, the US government will have to implement martial law to control the population.

From former Security Operative with clearance:
"The DHS informant stated: “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it, they are actually facilitating it.” ‪#‎breakshit‬ "

War battered dogs are we
Fighters in every clime;
Fillers of trench and of grave,
Mockers bemocked by time,
War dogs hungry and grey,
Gnawing a naked bone,
Fighters in every clime-
Every cause but our own
-Emily Lawless"With the Wild Geese"