I think some advance teams are already starting it. A trusted militia friend in Houston, TX told me that he saw several small groups of military age men trying to look like homeless street vagrants but their expensive backpacks gave them away. Then a few days latter he saw some more in what looked like their staging area on secluded city maintenance property wearing street clothes but also wearing combat boots

Remember they want you to call the cops on them so they will know if they are noticed or not so don't call the cops on then. Try to ask them what they are doing or get photos of them. Remind them they have the right to refuse unlawful orders such as orders to put patriots in the FEMA Camps and confiscate firearms. The Obomination is on his way out and has nothing to loose so he could try anything.


JADE-HELM – stands for:
“Joint Assistance For Deployment and Execution – Homeland Eradication of Local Militants.” In other
words, the Government is getting nervous about the fact that more Americans are now aware of the corruption, criminality and destruction of civil rights. Jade Helm is specifically intended for the purpose of eliminating fomenting Government insurrection groups. The States in which Jade Helm exercises are being conducted are “hot beds” for anti-Government militia groups (the latter are your allies).

www.TexasMilitia.Info Seek out and join a lawful Militia or form one in your area. If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it...because the traitors will give us no choice in the matter--William Cooper