MY family and I have been hammered into the ground over the years due to my activity in our (3%,militia,patriot)little community. Being harassed by L.E.O.'S, FEDs, we've lost a lot of jobs, being told "I just gotta let you go, I can't tell you why." just to be told latter that they were paid a visit by someone and that was what they were told to do.
Social Services constantly checking up at least once a week for years due to anonymous tips.With me being told that maybe I should just get with the program and then things wouldn't be so tough. Wow, I have no idea how many times I heard that one from someone affiliated with the government be it school principles to congress critters.

That is why I stopped posting for a long time anywhere, it was taking a major toll on my already bad health,family and marriage.
That is why I tell people that when the balloon goes up all of these gov. lackeys families that have benefited from those gov. positions and great paychecks,bonuses and insurance paid by us are fair game just like ours are to them. OOHHH, that doesn't go over well at all.....TO DAMN BAD !

Our nation will never return to anything that we can remember, it can't. With this new totally screwed up gimme gimme freebee generation coming up behind us and the baby-boom generation retiring and wanting to keep all that they have and not give anything up, throw in a Stalinist regime destroying every institution that we have and hold dear just to rot and pervert this country from within so as to hopefully rebuild it after it implodes due to their diseased ideals and greed for money and power. Are we truly surprised that "WE", the defenders of The Constitution, are their main target ?

I'm at the point of saying let Babylon burn ! Let America fragment, let it all just go down the tubes, because when America goes,the rest of the world is gonna go. Then destroy all of those that got us there,ALL 0F THEM, and those of us that are left draw a hard line and rebuild our country, one county at a time wiping out any remnants of the past corruption until we finally have our nation back, and to hell with the rest of the world !

Or not....

I'm just a ghost in the machine that will not stop rattling chains.

My Daddy is like duct tape, he can fix almost anything.

A quote from my youngest daughter at 4yrs old, many years ago.