Well I have to say..

I went UG for a while, started when my son was killed in a suspicious house fire.. That of course took a toll on my health..

Then there was the Problem, I was running with several militia guys who were former cops.. I still to this day don't know exactly what their plan was.. But they damn near suckered me..

I had the harassment.. Some remember the pictures I posted of the cops surrounding my land.. Taking pictures and harassing folks coming to my place..

I know many here, dislike some of the biker clubs and I understand.. But when I needed them they were supporting me a lot.. Along with some of my trusted militia brothers..

I have been lucky, unlike Breacher and some others, I never ended up in prison.. But That "accidental" fire that killed my son, took my best friend..

I still have those who come around and some how always seem to steer the conversation to my beliefs and activities.. You know I figure no matter what their plans are.. I am on the list to disappear.

I just over the last few months has this county code enforcer come by " just to check things out", but as soon as he could seem to steer the conversation, (using actual names of people I train with or know in the militia and biker community) he steered it to how he knew all these guys too..

I only said.. Then how come I don't know you?"

I refuse to surrender, I refuse to give in and I say AWRM will always be here.. Whether it is a dozen or a million.. As long as I breath I'll fight..

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf