If anyone doubts my Falsarge story, I just found the original article .

...One of the reasons given for the long sentence was a letter Hertzog sent from prison to a person who posted it on the Web site for the Libertarian Party of Oklahoma. The letter said he would come out of prison "bigger, badder and better" than when he went in....
That little website had about half a dozen people who regularly posted, and half of them were little old ladies in their 60's. Seriously, how could they have known about it, unless they were following me around the internet?

But if the government thought this would deter anyone from the militia, they were sadly mistaken. Those little old ladies were outraged that the government was spying on them, as well as me. A couple days after the story came out, one of the ladies announced she had just purchased an AR-15, and asked me if I would teach her how to shoot it.

I was happy to oblige.

Onward and upward,