Checking social media accounts would not have stopped the murderers. All those stories we've been hearing about Tashfeen Malik's Facebook posts? Untrue.

It would have been nice if some (well, all) of the candidates in last night's debate had done a little fact checking.

FBI Director James Comey said on Wednesday that there remains no evidence the couple who massacred 14 people in San Bernardino, California, on December 2 were part of an organized cell or had any contact with overseas militant groups.

Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 29, expressed support for "jihad and martyrdom" in private communications but never did so on social media, Comey said at a press conference in New York City.
At one time, only federal immigration officials were prevented from looking into social media posts, and that policy ended sometime in late 2014. The FBI, CIA, DEA, NSA, and other DHS officials have never been prevented from looking at social media posts.

Onward and upward,