Actually, I never said that Hillary would win. My prediction is that this will happen, no matter who wins.
Will there be more terrorist attacks? I wouldn't bet against it. And I wouldn't bet against Trump advocating a new "assault weapons" ban in response.
If Trump or Cruz become President I do not see People Panicking and buying up every gun they can like they would if an Avowed Gun Banner like Hillery became President.

If Trump were to advocate for a New Assault Weapons Ban I think that might be enough to cost him the Election, when gun owners refuse to vote or vote Third Party in protest.

And a little more on Trump wanting to Ban Assault Weapons.

So far Trump has not shown any willingness for any more Gun Control Laws. And he seems to understand that Gun Control will not stop Islamic Terrorist Attacks.

If he did propose a Gun Ban that would be reversing his position and to do that before an Election would be very stupid and Trump is not stupid.

Now after he wins the Election who really knows what he would do but before no way.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)