ConSigCor I had been following the Burns OR situation all thru the occupation. On another website I am a member it certainly was in the news there. However they have a very strict rule there. No Politics. So as one might guess threads were shut down when folks got stirred up. I have to be expressly careful myself in threads like that. I can't express myself over there like I can here. I think Lavoy was murdered by the OSP from orders from WA DC. Perhaps the director of the FBI. I'll never know for sure as will any of us. This entire thing will be classified top secret for the next hundred years no doubt.

I see all or certainly most of what happened in Burns and the refuge as a basic private property issue. ALL OF US who own our own homes or land is in the crosshairs. To a lesser degree we have similar issues in my county in WA state. One can't fight city hall as one lady there said. The only way to get the attention of folks like that judge is just load a rifle and use it as Sam Colt envisioned.

I am stopping right there as I don't want to be the next Randy Weaver.

Grass fed's what's fer supper July 4th.