Originally posted by mak9030mag:
Most younger generation. When it comes to respect. Is who is the bad ass or who has the power never asking how they got it. All about the money never minding what is Morrell right or wrong.
Actually it is not just the younger generation this is the way it has been throughout history.

The Best Swordsman was the one who got the most respect, and then it was the Best Rifle Shot and then in the days of the Wild West it was the Fastest Draw.

This is not just true for our Species it is also true for Lions, Wolves, Domestic Dogs, Horses and other wild and domestic animals. This is just the way it is and we were created this way.

The person with the most power has always been the one with the Most Respect and that is the way it will stay.

It is total stupidity to fight against human nature, as Patriots we just need to embrace it and use it to our advantage.

As to what is Morally Right and what is Morally Wrong, that should not influence how we fight for Freedom. We need to do whatever we believe will help us Win the War and not be concerned or overly concerned with the Morality of our actions.

We must not lose, since to lose means not only the loss of a war but the loss of not only our rights and Freedoms but the loss of Rights and Freedoms for our Children and Grandchildren and all our descendant's in the future until one generation decides to Fight for Freedom and wins.

To lose the war due to our not doing what is needed to win because we thought the actions were not moral with the result that our Descendant's are condemned to live as slaves in a totalitarian future Society, would be the greatest immorality of them all.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)