The problem I see with it, Pcosmar is this.. And of course there is plenty of blame to go around..

I want to say first I think we better get control of the so called Fake leadership.. The ones who calls us the bad guys... They act more like the controlled opposition..

We all know where fault lies, now we can blame and point fingers or use it to learn..

1. The Protest never reached out to more reliable Militia units.. The People they were listening to should have said... Hey let's do a letter campaign till spring gather some support in the community.. Then do our protest..

Hind sight is 20 /20..

2. They believed some of the so called Patriots and we abandoned them when things got tough.. I say WE because we aren't cleaning our own house..

Was this because the Patriots are infiltrated?...I doubt it..

Though the refuge was definitely infiltrated.. at least by one guy.. But we made the mistake of not pushing the PPN and oathkeepers aside and getting them out.

3. I think the Poorly led Patriots including the "militia" men, under estimated the difficulty in their task... Under estimated the response and had not (as they should have)figured out the Propaganda, that the media and LEO would use against them..

After Waco and RR everyone should know that if they do not set up media contacts... Gather local support, they will be destroyed in the media...

Even today after it's over, the FBI is using the Propaganda, that they need to clear the building of explosives..
They aren't saying, they are there.. But just leaving that idea in the head of locals and the media.

4. Although, you must be ready to operate in bad or extreme cold weather.. Planning an occupation where you hope regular citizens come and stand with you..
Is better done in warmer weather..

If all I hear from OathKeepers, PPN and other Militia groups is they should have had the Protest in the spring.. Typical cowards and fake Patriots..

But they are right about one thing...If you can't get their ass out in the snow, well see below..

Well brothers, if you can't get guys who supposedly train for this type of weather.. How do you expect to get a bunch of regular folks to leave their cozy warm homes to come and stand for weeks in the 10* degree weather?...

Washington and many leaders who had militia as fighters faced this same problem..

Those citizen fighters thought Fair weather fighting is bad enough.. And grumble and complained about the cold..

So bad planning was a problem.. Some one in the Militia Leadership should have warned of this.. I heard complaints from day one that this winter Protest was a bad idea..

5. Not to mention going in armed was a bad strategic move..
Unlike the "Bundy ranch", where the Feds were the ones surrounded.. The feds were the ones who were in the bad position.. This one wasn't thought out well... But it tells you what works and what doesn't, That said these guys are still heroes to me...

So if you were going to protest and put yourself in a no escape situation.. It should have been one that set the Feds up to be the heavy handed ones..

6.Was Lavoy unarmed?... I think so.. But no one was filming other than the feds.. They should have had sympathetic Media members in every convoy.. filming the whole thing, Yes the feds would have confiscated the video.. But Everyone would know it exists? That said control the message though.. Media is a useful tool. but a tool only.. You must control the message..

7. Was Lavoy's death in vain?..

The Feds and their sheep say yes..

I say no...Why?..

I say the effects of his death are being felt through out the Patriot and Militia movements..

Some of the fake Militias are being exposed...

I see hundreds of young folks being awakened to the murder of Lavoy... We are here discussing the Protest in full and learning from it..

It has awaken the resolve of some of us older Patriots who to be truthful have become stagnant and complacent... (Since the Waco days) Hoping for a political solution..

8. Could Lavoy's life been saved?.. Yes..

If the militia had been in force at the scene and Lavoy had not left safety of the refuge..

But, see Lavoy and Ammon looked at this as a Protest, and the government looked at this as a chance to scare the hell out of protesters or Patriots, and teach the citizens you can only protest when and where WE say you can..

So if it is a Protest treat it as such unarmed and vulnerable.. let's set up the enemy as the one who are acting crazy..

If it is armed confrontation, then pick the battles where you have the high ground and they are in a shaky position both strategically and politically.. These boys need more evidence of Federal land grabbing out there in the media, before they protested Hammonds arrest.. You got to win the media battle too..

But in the end, Lavoy could still be here, but his death will not be in vain..

9. Pcosmar, You have to look deep right now, but if you look are social media, Blogs, even Youtube you can see the tide turning on the FBI and Feds..

Like Waco first impressions were with the government, but over months after the siege the tide turned..

People woke up..

What we don't need, is anyone going off the reservation, and blowing up a federal building in response..
The Feds will do that themselves if they can use it against us.. Dirty tricks is their strong suit..

Those of us around back then seen all the air sucked out of the movement by McVeigh..

10. So what we must do is used this as the lightening rod and let the Feds overreach..

Caution our members to watch out for McVeigh's who attend one meeting and go off on their own.. Was McVeigh a Federal Patsy?.. I don't know, but still wonder..

Temper our response for now right now and plan a good one... One that will rally folks to our side..

Do our homework on the whole thing Bundy's and Hammond are Protesting.. Gather support...

Let them be heavy handed, it's what they do best..

We need to gather info, push the media in the way we want them to go.. "Nudge" as the Alinsky Socialist say..

Play their game better then they do.. Look most of our enemies are not that smart.. They are being led by a few smart people.. Take them down.. Destroy them with their own words.. But it all has to happen fast.. We don't have much time..

11. We need to have our wisest guys and computer geeks scour the net for all info regarding this fed land grab.. and be ready..

Cause they are going to try to vilify us like they did in 1995..

We must not allow history to repeat..

12. We speak with one voice, and we don't let every Tom, Dick and Patriot get in front of a mike somewhere..

We keep Lavoy alive and in the front..

We get folks in the streets for protests.. We pick areas where the Sheriff and locals lean our way at first..

We basically set them up.. Nuff said.. Probably too much said..

Just all Patriots keep your eyes open and let the leadership talk.. Screw the Oathkeepers and the rest.. But before anyone says I am saying let the feds get away with this.. I am not.. I am saying lets be wise and set them up.. We can do this..

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf