Originally posted by STRATIOTES:
Originally posted by The Greywolf:
[b] Maybe I am crazy, but in a situation where a child has a gun in his back yard, I think I would back off , find cover and try to talk the gun out of his hand..Instead of just shoot first with no hesitation..

In Seattle wa the police did a dynamic entry into the house, first room was a living room
Kid sleeping on the couch woke up grabbed the remote to shut the TV off, the cops shot him to death thinking the TV remote was a gun.

A man in Darington ran off the county weed control guy, the homeowner had dogs that played where they wanted to spray so the home-owner threatened the county weed control guy.

Weed control guy came back with cops in tow, as the guy walked back into his house the cops shot him in the back of the head killing him.

Western Puget Sound counties all have a reputation of killing innocent citizens, if the cops come somebody is going to get shot is the general rule.

I had six Sno-county deputies surround me over a alleged county code violation, turned out I did not violate the code but they were still willing to murder me over what I did on my own property completely paid for and legal.

Everett cops investigating a alleged car prowl peered over a solid wood fence from an alley way to see a man cleaning his BBQ grill in his back yard, the cops shot him to death , the grill cleaning tool was shiny and they thought it was a weapon.

Snohomish county had 7 bad shoots in one year, none of the cops were convicted or disciplined , cops investigated themselves and the insurance company did not pay out to the victims.

Cops= bush-wacking murderers

Back before Washington was a state (still a territory ) my great Grand father hanged a bunch of criminals in the tree by the creek, they still call it "Hangman creek" to this day with a story monument board, although the story was changed for public consumption as lynching was still frowned upon even then by the Feds so a local Cav commander took credit for it since he had federal authority to do so.

Seems there are no more fed good guys that will cover for some real justice anymore. [/b]
You know what is even worse then those Murdering walking piles of pig shit, it is all the totally rotten cowardly people who let these Murderers remain among the living.

Didn't those Murder Victims have any family who loved them enough to get some payback against those badge wearing Murdering Bastards.

And what have the big brave men who think of themselves as Militia done in response to these Murders.

It seems the people of your State are rotten cowards, I guess I should be happy to still live in Rhode Island. Why waste time and money to just move from one State of Cowards to a New State of Cowards.

I know what is needed and I also know that no on in your State or any other State has the balls to do it, but I will say it anyway.

What the people or our Nation need and it seems your State needs it a lot more then my State, is a Star Chamber and if anyone does not know that is just google it.

And if anyone wants to know how a Star Chamber works it is very easy except for finding the people who are man enough or woman enough to do what is needed to be done.

First thing is for a Crime like a murder to be committed by someone who is Above the Law.

Then the Star Chamber meets and a person is chosen to administer True Justice.

The person chosen is chosen by using a opaque jar with one Ball for each Member of the Star Chamber. All the Balls are White except for one Black Ball.

After the Members of the Star Chamber decide if the accursed deserves the Special Justice administered by them and what that Justice should be,each Member as he leaves the meeting removes One Ball from the Jar with the White Balls and one Black Ball in it. In private each Member looks at the Ball he Drew and if it is Black then he is the One to Administer the Justice of the Star Chamber and no other Member will know who was chosen.

And the sentence will be Carried Out and there will be True Justice for the Victim of those who are Above the Regular Law.

Yes this is what needs to happen and should happen but sadly I fear, it is only a Fantasy since in the Real World people who believe themselves to be Patriots are in truth Cowards who hide behind their fake Morality.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)