1 March, 2016, 15:11

Sheriff Palmer is under attack. Please everyone, contact him and give him your support. This is what happens when 4 people complain in the State of Oregon. Ammon Bundys attorney is also under attack. 3 people made complaints to the Bar. One of them “anonymous.

What is being done to Sheriff Palmer goes well beyond a simple attack. The parties “behind the curtain” in this latest sequence of devious events are engaged in nothing less than crafting a template which (if successful) they will employ in any/all future dealings with Constitutionally-minded Sheriffs and peace officers at every level across the Democratic Socialist totalitarian state of Oregon (I lived there for 41 years, I have witnessed the deterioration of the government into evil…) and perhaps in other like-minded state governments across the Republic…if we let them!

You see, it is the voters in a county (generally) who elect their Sheriff, but very often it is the state which CONTROLS the process by which Sheriffs, police, and other peace officers are granted their (individual and departmental) certification – which essentially licenses them to serve.

A few phone calls and emails have informed me that the state of Oregon is moving aggressively to yank Sheriff Palmer’s certification – so aggressively, in fact, that for all intents and purposes, they have the forms/documents already effectively signed off. They began at the very top with the conclusion – the outcome – that they desired, and set about going through the motions, “filling in the blanks” if you will…

They have been actively on the ground seeking complainants in John Day and elsewhere in the county, and deliberately conforming the complaints to predetermined standards in order to be certain that they: A) appeared plausible and actionable, and B) were enough in number that the state would seem credible and justified in acting swiftly. This exercise is so corrupt, that one of the main complainants is the sitting Chief of Police of John Day, Oregon – who ran against Glen Palmer in the last election for Sheriff, and was beaten by a substantial margin…No sour grapes there…no conflict of interest…nothing to see, move along, etc…

If the state succeeds in their gambit, they will probably then arbitrarily appoint a Sheriff of their choosing – likely the John Day police chief, or someone he recommends…

This is simply an incredible abuse of a process which was intended to protect the rights of citizens from the wiles of a dishonest, overreaching Sheriff; it is instead being perverted in such a manner as to give the state outright control of who does or does not sit and serve as a Sheriff over a county, thereby effectively disenfranchising citizens of their duly cast votes for the Sheriff of their choosing.

It is true enough that we have become reawakened to the reality of the Constitutional authority vested in the county Sheriff, and the extraordinary protective value of having such an individual who takes their Constitutional oath of service to heart…

But our domestic enemies have also similarly been jolted into an alert state, and they are seemingly working overtime to outmaneuver us on this “chessboard”, and unlike us, they do not suffer to find themselves limited by such things as a sense of honor, decency, or even the rule of law. They have goals; we “small-minded” folk stand resolutely in their way, therefore, in their world, the “ends justify the means” – including the illicit use of political power.

Does anyone here have a strategic “counter” to this latest move underway? I have yet to come up with something tangible/practical (recalling the corrupt, appointed sitting governor, Kate “I’m bisexual” Brown does not seem very tenable right now.)

"The time for war has not yet come, but it will come and that soon, and when it does come, my advice is to draw the sword and throw away the scabbard." Gen. T.J. Jackson, March 1861