They came up with all of those entitlements in response to the Great Depression because the world economy was shifting to a dependence on capital markets.

Prior to that, if you were failing in the capital market system for whatever reason, you could just head out into the mountains and live off the land, or head out on the high seas with a boat. Your ability or right to primal survival was hardly brought into question.

One of the big issues of Shay's rebellion which brought about the conditions which led to the Bill of Rights was shady economic management on the part of the colonial government.

The Bankers of that era, a collection of British Freemasons and Jewish capitalists, had managed to come up with various schemes to selectively separate themselves from British crown sovereignty yet participate in its financial system. This was done largely though the colonial government. There were currency issues of otherwise fairly worthless currency, including the money which was paid to soldiers (like Shays) in the American revolution.

Centrally managed money meant the troops were issued Continentals as payment for services, then the Continentals were simply devalued, worthless for trade, sale and barter. The men then borrowed British money to restart their farms, failed miserably, and were thrown in debtors prisons from time to time where the real punishments often had to do with their colonial rebellion in the first place, because the Brits still ran the economic system.

Shays lost most engagements, troops being horribly impoverished, mostly on the brink of starvation. They lost their last skirmish while trying to obtain weapons from a military armory.

As Shays aged, he was again, impoverished due to failed farming techniques and high interest loans. He applied for and received a small pension from the government which was approved by the central bankers. Hence, Shays had become, in his twilight years, a recipient of one of the first American welfare programs, which was a small subsistence pension for war veterans, aimed at easing the pain and blunting vendettas over the way British Masonic and Jewish aligned bankers were ending up running the US economy anyway.

Thats why the system which controls and can stop your financial productivity surely does owe you something when they benefit from the act of preventing your primal survival.

Its also what gets to this stuff about closing off federal land and preventing rural people from gainful self employment and self sufficiency. They are owed jobs in the city, a monthly stipend or both. You just can't have legitimacy in any system which actively prevents people's survival. Nobody owes you CEO status at a fortune 500 company, but its one of those touchy points that comes up with tax resistance by productive people who constantly stand the chance of being regulated out of economic sustainability.

Take food stamps for instance, and why I don't give food to beggars in the first half of any month. Reality is that food stamps pays fairly well, especially to families with children. If your income is low and you are eligible but not signed up, then you are a deliberate burden on friends and family. Or someone being stubborn and a burden on the general public on the street, by begging and lounging on the sidewalk, being a piece of human street litter. Or, you make enough money in the gray market under the table economy that you really don't want any interface with government agencies that would necessitate financial disclosures.

Life liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.

Trump: not the president America needs, but the president America deserves.