
gives away the Internet in a move critics have warned is “irreversible.”
Very few things are irreversible and this is not totally irreversible.

The United States could take back control at least as far as within the United States.

Let the Foreign bastards do as they wish in their own Countries and the Control of the Internet can be returned to the way it currently is within the United States.

All it takes is a Congress and President with the Balls to do it.

This is off topic but even if Clinton were to appoint a Progressive Scum Sucker to the Supreme Court another Administration could restore the Court to a Conservative Balance.

The way this could be done would be to use a Constitution Convention to change the makeup of the Court.

Currently there are Nine Justices, but what is to prevent the number of Justices on the Court to be changed to 11, 14 or even 16 or more Justices.

Then the New Administration could appoint extremely Conservative Justices to fill all the New Positions.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)