This is why I have decided a while back, What we really need is loosely associated small groups..( But thousands of them)

No National leaders, But Nationally respected confidants.. And fantastic communications between them all......

The ability to communicate and rush to the aid of others.. When needed.. Of course you run into the "I'll be there guys" who never show up...

Honestly Breacher and CSC the only thing that makes weak men stand... Is tyranny, once tyranny becomes intolerable, then these weak men will stand...

Until then we need loosely associated groups of people who will protect themselves and each other....

I used to think we needed a large Militia force.. But there has been, and always will be to many Chiefs and not enough Indians..

I am a Free Man and independent, that's why I travel and make new acquaintances and allies... I do so with the hope that alliance will become close and will result in the force needed to stand up when required.. Will it.. Time will tell..

But we will survive and thrive with or without the III%ers

I believe in absolute Freedom, as little interference from any government as possible...And I'll fight any man trying to take that away from me.

Jimmy Greywolf