Wow ConSigCor you really let those people HAVE IT BOTH BARRELS. and I agree with you on all fronts. I popped in here yesterday for the 1st time since I think April last.

I've had me some good times watching all of these yahoos pissing and moaning and hearing over and over **he's NOT my president.** I did the same thing using the same words in Obozo's first term. Did I riot? No, Did I pillage and loot? No. Did I take part in civil unrest? No. Did I have a total conniption fit? No. WHY? ((well kinda)) EZ I been used to getting the shaft for most of my 44yr I been voting.

I was still working when Obamanation got elected the 1st time. I still went to work and paid my bills on time. I still had my lil bits of fun here and there like buying new hankies at Pinkys in S-W. Most years I still took my camping vacations east of the mountains. My last vacay was in 2008. That was the year I fired myself. Last 2 yr I been officially retired. Signed up for SS the whole 9 yards. Man I thought I had it rough when I toiled for 22K a year. Sheesh I had it made and dint even realize it. Thank goodness for those dollar stores. I just had 2 ice cream sandwiches 4 bits worth. My freezer is so stuffed w/dollar store treats it'll take me a week just eating the contents down. Last night I did up a stir fry treat w/ingredients ALL from the DS. I still got lectricity and a roof over my head. I got hot water anytime I want a shower and I got right here on the www and shooting the ship on my hangouts. 80% of my entertainment at home is right off my pooter. I GOT HEAT as I sit here in my Carhartt warm hat wool winter sox long pants a flannel shirt and my VOTING DAY SHIRT on. Got it in 95-96. It's my UN shirt...**Peace Through Terror.** I am more REDNECK these days than I was in my M days. I'm just waiting for the balloon to go up.

Still a waitin'.

Yesterday I watched a couple minutes of some huge ass protest march of the SJW crowd marching down Wilshire Blvd in Californica. Man there must have been 10 THOUSAND morphrodites in that crowd. Some carrying signs and banners. Hearing what might have been HAY HAY HO HO Trump has got to Go!! Sitting here laughing with great glee as I watched the procession. I was feeling like a watch commander as I considered how to deploy my men. EZ I'd use ships. Yup Helo's dropping tear gas to disperse the crowd. Wishing I had something really nasty that would dye their clothing and stick to their clothing so that after 1 or 2 whifs they'd be puking chunks and totally on their knees slobbering like the mentally ill.

Until I noticed sumpin really quite significant. Unlike the BLM maggots I saw not a single vehicle flipped over with broken glass. I saw no buildings afire. I SAW NO PILLAGING . I SAW NO CARS ON FIRE. NO LOOTING. No randowm people targeted for beatdowns. I heard NO SHOTS FIRED.

Yeah IT WAS A PROTEST of significant size and numbers. But what they was doing is PROTECTED BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT.

Now we just got to teach these lil snowflakes how to GROW A PAIR and realize for once it AIN'T ALL ABOUT THEM and when they hear NO directed AT THEM THEY BEST PAY ATTENTION.

WOW today is shaping up to be a RED LETTER DAY. An old friend was just here with sum sad news. Her ex just died from complications from clogged arteries and a heart attack. He was 57. Wow I got 7yr on the guy. In the same visit she said sumpin else I told her flat out you SOUND LIKE A REDNECK and instead of getting bent out at me (which I totally expected) she wanted me to HIGH FIVE HER which I did and by golly by gum now I am up to 3 fellow Redneck pals when 2 days ago I thought I was down to one Redneck pal.

My grub is ready. Fan is up I got sum cold Shasta cola and am momentarily standing by dishing out a bowl of Stir fry. Shoot had I thought of it 10m ago I coulda had me sum GARLIC BREAD too. Next time.


Grass fed's what's fer supper July 4th.