Originally posted by Hawk45:
North Force I got two questions.

1. Ever been to Israel?

2. What in hell are 'fake Jews'?

Answer those and I will be glad to tell you what I KNOW about those involved and the area.
1. Nope - never have been there. But as I understand it, Israel will not come to be until the return of Jesus in the last days. Unless i missed the big day,Biblical Israel does not currently exist, but the corporate terror State created by the Rothschild's and others does - created by a backdoor deal during WW2. So who has been to Israel?

2. Zionists & Those that claim to be Jews - May be easier to look at a couple sites:



Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 speech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8OmxI2AYV8

"To achieve One World Government it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, their loyalty to family traditions and national identification."
~ Brock Chisholm, when director of UN World Health Organization