I was going to post something on Saudi Arabia yesterday, but got involved in the elections instead. And Michael Snyder explained the situation better than I could anyway.

Despite all the $billions we're giving the Saudis in military aid, their military just is not that good. They're having a hard time with the rebels in Yemen. They're new king is trying to institute some liberalization of the country (if giving women the right to drive can be considered liberalization), and he's trying to crack down on corruption, even to the point of killing a Saudi prince who apparently resisted arrest. (Don't worry about the Saudis running out of princes, there are thousands of them.)

And he's right, that missile could not have been fired at Riyadh without Iranian help.

Things just feel like they're coming to a head. This could get nasty. Really, really fast. Everyone is looking at North Korea now, but maybe they're looking in the wrong direction.

Onward and upward,